16 Mei 2013

LUV GREAT For Globalization Competition

           Everyone has a lot of dreams. Some people want to be rich, some want to be an entrepreneur, some want to be high educated, some want to be famous or even to be president and so on. However, in this globalization era there is no limit for dreaming. Nowadays dreams are like internet that has no space and time limits. One can dream his success on an international scale. Many people have these dreams, for example the entertainers. In the beginning of 2012, some of them make a resolution to go international, go Asia etc. In academic field, since a long time ago the students of Indonesia have been competing to get scholarship for studying abroad. Even, many of them achieved a success abroad. So, nothing is impossible as long as we are brave to dream. We just need to change our dream up to international scale.
Indeed, that people need to think how to achieve dreams. Therefore, who wants to be success has to have the fundamental condition to achieve the dreams. It does not depend on the great wealth of someone, or the honor of family ties or the social status. But it depends on someone’s motivation to be success. Why it should be motivation? According to Wortman and Elizabeth (1992) that quoted by Moeljono (2011) in 13 Konsep Beyond Leadership’s book, motivation is something that guide someone’s acting for achieving the goal.
There are two motivations based on the source, those are internal motivation and external motivation. The internal motivation comes from ourselves and the external motivation comes from outside of ourselves. The external motivation may come from parents, close friends, teachers, family, and so on. The internal motivation or self motivation is better than external motivation.  Without self motivation, it’s hard for someone to make any effort to be a successman. Because how good motivation we get from.......
another people, we are the best motivator for ourselves.
The next question is how could the motivation being raised? A N-Ach concept or Need for Achievement concept (McClelland and David C., 1961 in Moeljono, 2011) stated that basic motivation of human being is achieving an award. Because of that, motivation based on indeed or willingness for creating accomplishment. The writer concludes that for getting motivation need willingness for achieving accomplishment. So that, for competing in globalization era someone should have a strong willingness to achieve accomplishment. After that, there is always motivation for achieving the goals in globalization competition.  
That’s why the writer concludes, self motivation has a very important role in determining a success in globalization competition. Therefore we need to keep our motivation up whenever and wherever we are. Motivation is not permanent. It depends on the condition of the mind or soul or our mood. Sometimes, when we are in the good mood in doing something, unexpected thing happens. Then, it ruins our mood.
There are some ways to keep our motivation up. Based on writer’s experiences, there are some ways that writer does for increasing motivation. The ways called LUV GREAT. LUV GREAT stands for: 1) start it with Love, 2) having great cUriosity, 3) Visionary, 4) developing Goals or dreams, 5) REading the success story of someone, 6) don’t be afraid of the problem, fAce it, and 7) always giving Thanks to God.
First, start it with love. Everything will be easier when we love it. So, choose one think that we have passion to it and we will find ourselves can’t stop doing it until finished and success. Remember, do what you love.
The second is having great curiosity. The great love of the passion can build the high curiosity. That high curiosity will open the way to find success, because a curiosity can guide someone to get more ideas.
The third is visionary. People who are visionary think for a long range. So, they will be more capable of arranging the steps to reach their goals. In case, the goals or dreams will be stronger with undeniable possibility of success.
Next, after finding the right goals search the success people who have same dreams. Read their success story. It will help us increasing motivation. After that, don’t be afraid of the problem. Face it, Because life is problem. When people have problems they should give thanks to God, because of the opportunity He gives to become a better person.
LUV GREAT is possibly done for increasing motivation. But, the most important is love. The highest stimulant of motivation is love. Loving whom? Certainly, loving our God. The feeling of love to God actually has a very high motivational power. Because when we love God, God will give us power and high motivation.  If the failure comes, don’t release our love to God. When failure comes, remember a wisewords, ‘God will never reject and refuse our pray, he only postpones it’.
Besides dreaming, everyone should act for the dreams. If people do nothing for their dreams, their success will be delayed. For that, people should make plan to reach their dreams. For example, when someone wants to be a success meatball entrepreneur, he must try some receipts over and over to find the best one. He must be better in making meatball day after days. So he will have a lot of customers and open a lot of branches in many cities. Even, he can open the new branch overseas.
Finally we can conclude that for competing in globalization era people should have motivation that created by the willingness for reaching accomplishment. Motivation can keep by LUV GREAT. That is start with love, having great curiosity, visionary, developing the goals or dreams, reading the success story, face the problem and giving thanks to God. People should keep their motivation to reach the goals or dreams. Let’s keep our motivation to be success in globalization era.



Moeljono,Djokosantoso.2011.13KonsepBeyondLeadership.Jakarta:Penerbit PT.Elex  Media Komputindo

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